A group of elderly men who raise birds and take them to singing competitions. The film goes into the characters' small world, to find out about their special relationship with these animals and also with their lives.
Director: Julia De Simone
Writers: Julia De Simone, Samuel Navarrete and Fernanda Gusmão
Director of Photography: Samuel Navarrete
Editor: Fernanda Gusmão
Producers: Julia De Simone, Fernanda Gusmão and Mario Durrieu
Sound Recorder: Sacha Diago
Graphic Designer: Alexandre Ribeiro

- Documenta Madrid 2008
- Camera Mundo Independent Film Festival Edition Brasil - Rotterdam, Nederland
- 10ª Muestra Internacional Documental de Bogotá
- Curta Cinema 2008 – Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival
- 10º Belo Horizonte International Short Film Festival
- Mostra Internacional do Filme Etnográfico 2008
- XI Vide Vídeo UFRJ
- Femina 2008
- CINEOP - 3ª Mostra de Cinema de Ouro Preto
- 12º FAM – Florianópolis Audiovisual Mercosul
- II MIAU - Mostra Independente do Audiovisual
- 1ª Mostra Nacional Ambiental - Caminhos da Sustentabilidade
- Mostra do Filme Livre 2009
- Audience Award - XI Vide Vídeo UFRJ
- Honorable Mention - II MIAU
© Mirada Filmes