Bildungsroman follows the lives of four young people who carry the responsibility of coming of age in some of the most renowned academic institutions. They live their dreams and anxieties in a path filled with great accomplishments where they surmount great obstacles and leave behind many illusions.
Characters: Caetano Altafin, Fabio Martino, Victoria Saramago, Wilian Cortopassi
Director: Julia De Simone
Co-directors: Aline Portugal e Marcelo Grabowsky
Producers: Guilherme Cezar Coelho, Mariana Ferraz, Luana Fornaciari
Mirada Filmes Producers: Aline Portugal, Julia De Simone, Marcelo Grabowsky
Writers: Aline Portugal, Julia De Simone, Marcelo Grabowsky and Ricardo Pretti
Director of Photography: Pedro Urano
Editor: Ricardo Pretti
Sound Recorder: César Fernandez, Stuart Deutsch, Altyr Pereira
Post Production: Vanessa Marques
Sound Editor: Bernardo Uzeda
Sound Mixer: Gustavo Loureiro
Color Correction: Fabrício Batista
Motion Design: Estúdio Rogerio Costa
Production Companies: Matizar and Mirada Filmes
- III Semana dos Realizadores, Brazil, 2011
- Mostra de Cinema Contemporâneo, Vila das Artes, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2012
- 13th Brazilian Cinema Retrospective – CineSESC, Brazil, 2012
- Mostra Cinema, Estética e Política, UFMG, Brazil, 2013
- Mostra Novíssimo Cinema Brasileiro, CINUSP, Brazil, 2013
- Sala de Cinema Casa do Lago - UNICAMP, Brazil, 2013